Tuesday, February 26, 2008

True Sissy Stories

I guess ya'll read the " True Gay Stories ". If you didn't , then read it now! This is not about gayz so please read the " True Gay Stories ". This story is sort of related to the gay stories. The characters are: The Gay Emperor , Chicken and many others.(well, not that many more.)

A new empire has joined the war. The Sissy Empire! Or since it sounds so freakin' lame, I'll call it ..................................... The Sissianz!

Well the DRAGON KNIGHTS are gonna have a big problem when The Sissianz attack.........
I'm the leader of the DRAGON KNIGHTS so I gotta think fast!

I know that you know who the Sissy Emperor is. Yup, It'z Chicken! I heard recently from my dragon spies that Chicken is tryin' to be gay and The Gay Emperor is tryin' to be a big SISSY!!
When I mentioned I didn't want gays in the world, out POPS The Sissianz! What the heck is goin' on these dayz?!

Well, this is my story.................................

Weeks have passed and The Sissianz have started to attack regular people and
The GAY Empire fought people by startin' " catfights " if you know what I mean.

It's just impossible to try to de-gay and de-sissy all those victims. You think yours truly enjoys de-gayin' and de-sissiyin'! This is what I call a freakin' bummer! If you don't know how I feel then TRY it YOURSELF!!!!!!!! I won't tell you how lest The GAY Empire finds it.

Do you all remember Big Show, Bulldozer and Shorty? How about Paika and Rat? Or me
Sin drag?

Bulldozer now follows Paika to many places and toilets so he'z now a GAYLORD! Paika has finally de-gayed his lil' brother Flaxe. (see....there are more characters in this zequel.)
I guess I have to let Flaxe join my clan and promote him to Dragon Spy. I've to infiltrate the other EMPIRES and get info on em'.

Shorty has been de-gayed but he's been turned into a half sissy. So I can't let em' join my clan.